Ultraman VS Alien Zombies
Ultraman VS Alien Zombies

Ultraman VS Alien Zombies

Ultraman VS Alien Zombies

A brand new adventure begins in the deep sides of the space with the Ultraman who is one of the retro comics. This time Ultraman is battling against zombies and he doesn't want to go this battle alone. He wants you and your friend to participate in this battle. Get ready to battle against zombies by participating in this adventure with your friend with your Ultraman characters, because an extremely long and extremely hard adventure awaits you. You should destroy them all before they spread more.

Game controls:
Player 1:
Move: "W, A, S, D"
Attack: "J"
Jump: "K"
Fly: "L"

Player 2:
Attack: "NUM 1"
Jump: "NUM 2"
Fly: "NUM 3"

Good luck!