Dragon Ball: Fierce Fighting

Dragon Ball: Fierce Fighting

A legendary comic of our Childhood Dragon Ball games succeeds in joining the indispensable list of fighters. As you know, while Son Goku searching for dragon balls, he discovers the world and encounters lots of difficulties. The objective of the game is to find dragon balls and beat all of the enemies on your way. Furthermore, you can play this game with your friends and live this experience with teamwork in the TwoPlayerGames.org portal. Click the "START" and "NEW GAME" buttons in order and adjust the game difficulty level.

We have explained game controls and special movements for you:

First Player
Move: "W, A, S, D"
Attack: "J"
Jump: "K"
Get Power: "L"

Second Player
Move: "Arrow Keys"
Attack: "1" (From numeric keypad)
Jump: "2" (From numeric keypad)
Get Power: "3" (From numeric keypad)

Common Special Movements
Sprint: "Right+Right"
Fire: "Down+Right+Attack"
Special Attack 1: "Up+Up+Attack"
Special Attack 2: "Right+Right+Attack"
Special Attack 3: "Left+Down+Right+Attack"
Storm: "Left+Right+Attack"

To realize these special movements, you must fill in the power indicator below the game screen. Don't let your enemies push you to the wall in the corners or between them. Let's see how to find dragon balls by beating all of your opponents.

We wish you good luck!