Dragon Fist 3D

Dragon Fist 3D

Dragon Fist game which has become one of the best quality fighting games on the Internet for flash game lovers, is meeting with twoplayergames.org's players with the newest chapter which is 3D. We are so sure that you will add this game to your bookmark. Okay then, we do not want to hold you anymore for this game. Let's get started!

Having the game loaded, click the "START GAME" button located at the bottom of the game screen. On the control selection screen, choose your control scheme. If you want, you can set your controls by clicking the "PICK YOUR OWN..." option. After you set your controls, you will proceed to the main menu.

If you want to change your controls, click the "OPTION" button on the main menu. By clicking "PLAYER 1 CONTROLS" and "PLAYER 2 CONTROLS" you can change controls.

Click the "PLAY" button on the main menu to start to game. If you want to join training before starting the game, Click the "YES" button. If you don't, click "NO". If you click "YES", you will proceed character selection screen. You can move between characters by pressing "LEFT-RIGHT ARROW KEYS". To make a selection, press "SPACE-BAR" and start training. If you do not want to join the training, you can proceed to fighting options screen.

You can play the game as a single player by following the "ARCADE MODE, ENDURANCE MODE, QUICK FIGHT" options. After you pick your fighter and define the game difficulty, you can start to game. Press the "I" key to start fighting.

You can play the game as two players by following the "QUICK FIGHT and 2 PLAYER" options.

On "QUICK FIGHT" mode, you will see four different options. By clicking "QUICK FIGHT", you can start fighting as a single with random fighters. By clicking "QUICK 1 V 2", you can start fighting versus two fighters. By clicking the "QUICK 2 PLAYER" button, you can start fighting as two players with random fighters. By clicking the "CPU VS CPU" button, you can watch a fighting match.

Click the "2 PLAYER" button. Pick fighters and press "SPACE-BAR" to proceed with the match. Press the "I" key to start fighting.

Game controls are the following:
1st Player:
Move: "W, A, S, D"
Jump: "W"
Fast Punch: "I"
Low Punch: "K"
Jab Kick: "O"
Stepping spinning kick: "L"
Block: "S"

Combination Attacks:
Special Attack: You can use your special attack by pressing the "I and O" keys together when the meter is activated, located on the upper-left side of the game screen.
By combining "A and D" keys with "I, O, K, L" keys, you can perform different and more powerful fighting techniques.
By combining the "S" key with the "I, O, K, L" keys, on the one hand, you can defend, on the other hand, you can attack your opponent.

2nd Player:
Fast Punch: "1" (From numerical keyboard)
Low Punch: "2" (From numerical keyboard)
Jab Kick: "4" (From numerical keyboard)
Stepping spinning kick: "5" (From numerical keyboard)

Combination Attacks:
Special Attack: You can use your special attack by pressing the "1 and 2" keys together when the meter is activated, located on the upper-right side of the game screen.
By combining the "LEFT and RIGHT ARROW" keys with "1, 2, 4, 5" keys, you can perform different and more powerful fighting techniques.
By combining the "DOWN ARROW" key with the "1, 2, 4, 5" keys, on the one hand, you can defend, on the other hand, you can attack your opponent.

Here are a few tips about the game; you can pause the game by pressing "SPACE-BAR". You can mute the game sounds from the "SOUND FX and "MUSIC" options. You can go back to the main menu by clicking the "MAIN MENU" button.

You can find other series of Dragon Fist games by searching for the "Search" box on TwoPlayerGames.org! Have fun!